Why I Became obsessed to Bands

by - June 15, 2019

As children, our young minds are influenced by those around us. It just so happens that around that age, we're not around many people other than our school friends, the hosts of Sesame Streets and of course, Mom and Dad.

Thanks to my dad, the music I was exposed to (and learned to love) led to a pretty intriguing path for me. I got my first CD back in third year highschool, and formed my own collection based on what pleased me outside the norm. I used to went to a computer shop near our school and the owner would probably asked for 18 songs to be put on my CD for only 60 pesos. Mostly rock and emo songs were like my first burned CDs, before spotify ever existed. I know the battle between rock and rap since you either liked or the other back in the days, and always waited for my favorite songs to be aired on Myx (we don't have MTV channel on our home back then).

So why, why ended up loving bands? In my younger years, papa always listen to Parokya ni Edgar, Wolfgang, Eraserheads, etc. I remember when I was a little girl, I sing those songs whenever I heard it on the radio. Papa also tells story about how he brings me to sleep by playing those songs on the radio.

My journey in loving bands didn't stop when I enter college. I started attending gigs and concerts. Fast forward today, I still attend gigs and more than that, I take photos of them and interview some of the artists. Also, gets closer to them, knows them and their music much well.

And it's all because of my father.


How simple do these two words seem yet how deep they are! How easy it is to type this on a piece of paper for your dad but how much more complicated it becomes to explain all the reasons why you are thankful to him.

While mom taught me how to talk, to walk, to count, and to read, you taught me to appreciate music, to be inspired by it, to be one with it.

Your hard-headed daughter,

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