20 Facts about the Blogger

by - February 18, 2016

1. Proud #IglesiaNiCristo member.
2. I love making tupad at Philippine Arena.
3. Im really random and want have lots of fun but there isnt anyone like me to do so.
4. I have 99 problems and The Walking Dead would solve it.
5. I dont know how to ride a bicycle.
6. I went totally crazy about Pop Rock bands, both OPM and foreign.
7. Bookworm. Its a crime to ask me whats my favorite book.
8. I dont know how to use chopsticks.
9. I am freaking addicted to the sport basketball.
10. Self-confessed chocolate lover.
11. I hate when people smoke (the smell is just so disgusting) and when people in front of me walk really slowly.
12. I hate it when someone mispells my name.
13. Mentally dating Channing Tatum, Johnny Depp, Daniel Radcliffe, Adam Levine, Derek Sanders, Chito Miranda, Kobe Bryant, Norman Reedus, Andrew Garfield, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Evans.
14. Roadtrips, pizza, sunflower, Winnie the Pooh, Lavender and galaxy fascinate the hell out of me.
15. I dont take a bath when Im not in the mood.
16. I am seriously afraid of chickens, birds and ducks.
17. I am inlove to Volkswagen, autumn, full moon, sunrise, sunset and neon colors.
18. I talk alone. A lot. No, most of the time.
19. Smell of baking bread and pages of books are ecstacy for me.
20. Wordy. Childlike. Bipolar. Positive. Ambitious.

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