Conquering Mt. Ayaas

by - March 04, 2016

(Rodriguez, Rizal)

Mt. Ayaas rises at a height of 627MASL, located at barangay Mascap, Rodriguez, Rizal. It is part of the long mountain ranges of Siera Madre wherein it lies at the  middle between popular Mt. Pamitinan/Mt. Binacayan, Mt. Parawagan and Mt. Siam Bundoc. The summit is grassland offering a very scenic view of Cogon Terraces, 360 degrees panorama.

Mountaintops and faraway sunsets, burned skin and battered shoes. Sometimes love can be as easy as that. Traveling and overcoming fears on my own has taught me that this world is an enchanting and miraculous place. No fantasy world can beat the splendour of planet Earth - the brillant, untamed lands that remain unreachable for our limited minds.

What else can we ask for? The world is perfectly painted.

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