I'm Going to be Alright

by - April 18, 2019

Days come when you feel disappointed with yourself. With what you do, your craft.

There are times I don't feel I exist in the world I want to be visible in. I am lost, looking for the tribes I belong to. And just recently, I found something simple that I DON'T HAVE TO LOOK FOR MORE or overthink.

I found out that I'm not a writer, but a thinker who shares. Nor a photographer, but one who just love to take photos and memories. Not a traveler, but a seeker of new places. All these labels of what we do are not who we really are, in the surface maybe, all that is seen. But there's always more to us. 

And it's upon to us to find our meaning.

I particularly found out that my work is not a "mass-attention-worthy". But I know it touches one person and that's it. This person whom I really dont know personally connects with me. And I know I created art.

The thing is, art cannot be completely achieved. It's a working progress and it doesn't end.

And this, I say to myself now.
I think I'm going to be alright.


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