Dear Eya,

by - June 28, 2017

Even though you're lonely, angry, and awkward right now, things are going to get better. Don't cry, Eya. I know things have been difficult beyond words. You constantly feel like you don't have a reason to get out of bed. Your dearest grandma died early this year. That is just one of the events happened in your life that you felt like you're in an ocean of loneliness. And just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're going to fail at everything. Keep trying and always always always believe in yourself. I have no idea where you're going, but I want you to know that I am proud of you because you're still here. And I had no idea you'd made it that far. I hope you still wear your heart on your sleeve, that's my favorite part about you. I hope you've learned to get out of bed on days when breathing feels like climbing a mountain. There's someone out there who needs you. Do it mostly for them, and a little bit for you. You're confused right now. You have always felt lost, you have always wanted to do things but could never figured out how. You're not getting any younger, that's something you're aware of.  I know you struggle sometimes. I'm here to tell you that it's okay. Have hope, because the next time it won't feel so dark. You will see that you're not damaged goods, but a survivor with so much to offer this world. So dry your eyes and stay hopeful. 

Thank you for not giving up and being so tough. You're going to be fine. Sure you're a little crazy and a little unsure of everything you want. But you are fine. The answers will come. for the mean time, keep smiling!

You know you deserve the world. Now, go get it!


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